Dave Keats songs are © copyright protected.
The priest comes out in a frock and a frown
How come he's so sullen when he tells us God's son
Died to save us every one. He should be happy.
J.J. entered in a top hat and a stick
He's centre stage to answer every quip
And no-one dares to move a single lip when he's talking.
When the whip comes down the lions roar.
Mona Lisa smiled "that's what I came here for".
Da Vinci messed the whole thing up
As he tried to catch it with his paint an' brush.
The acrobat decides to do a turn
And everyone's looking in the room
Except Romeo who says "some people never learn now do they"?
The juggler calls out for another glass
Duly obliged but he missed the pass
Then he slips and falls flat on his arse. You should'a seen him.
When the whip comes down the lions roar.
Mona Lisa smiled "that's what I came here for".
Da Vinci messed the whole thing up
As he tried to catch it with his paint an' brush.
The fire eater's real hot stuff
But all the water down at Lourdes
Couldn't cool his breath after swallowing his words for lying.
The clowns appear and start to roll on the floor.
The three blind mice call out for more.
But the don't really know what for they're only listening.
When the whip comes down the lions roar.
Mona Lisa smiled "that's what I came here for".
Da Vinci messed the whole thing up
As he tried to catch it with his paint an' brush.
Some of the creatures there are really strange
Like they'd just landed from outer space.
I bet Noah would'a had a real field day if they had doubles.
The magic man has disappeared again.
No-one can see him anywhere.
Who cares? He'll probably just spoil all the fun if we find him.
When the whip comes down the lions roar.
Mona Lisa smiled "that's what I came here for".
Da Vinci messed the whole thing up
As he tried to catch it with his paint an' brush.