Dave Keats songs are © copyright protected.
The war was over in London town.
Nothing much was going down,
'Cept promises of things that never came.
But conscription soon put paid to that
Though nobody knew if it was good or bad
But Ronnie had some big plans of his own.
He was a two bit petty thief t' boot
Who dreamt of the job with so much loot
That he'd never have to work again
But each time he tried he was tried himself
And his wife was left up on that shelf
And Ron was sent off to prison yet again.
When you hear the Knock knock, on the door
D'you ever stop, wonder what they want you for
Slowly think they'll put you down
Knock knock, here we go again
Another journey, another plane
Expectations like that plane get higher.
Well one day Ronnie got his chance
He met Reynolds , a hardened criminal
Who told him of a very special train
The bottom line at least a million bucks
It looked easy, Ronnie thought he'd chance his luck
As he answered "o.k. Here we go again.
When you hear the Knock knock, on the door
D'you ever stop, wonder what they want you for
Slowly think they'll put you down
Knock knock, here we go again
Another journey, another plane
Expectations like that plane get higher.
Well they did that job, got clean away
An' it was in the papers the very next day
How they'd left the footman on that train for dead
But Ronnie weren't that kind of man
In fact no-one on that whole god damned train was armed
'Til the footman, playing hero lost his head.
Some say it could've been the perfect crime
All used bank notes, no-one would ever find
But the clean up squad didn't show to burn the farm
Where the gang met up shared out the cash
And when the cops came they found all the finger prints
And Ron was sent off to prison yet again.
When you hear the Knock knock, on the door
D'you ever stop, wonder what they want you for
Slowly think they'll put you down
Knock knock, here we go again
Another journey, another plane
Expectations like that plane get higher.
When he shed those four walls he looked so slick
With a brand new face and Slipper at his feet
But he was always on the foot one step behind
An' even when they tracked him down
They couldn't bring him back from that South American town
When they found he'd fathered one of Rio's sons
Well I've strong views on what should be
And the biggest crime of nineteen-sixty-three
Was the sentence, thirty years for robbery
When you could rape a baby, kill your kin
An' in ten years be on the street to do it all again
And that's why I'm glad Ronnie's living free.
When you hear the Knock knock, on the door
D'you ever stop, wonder what they want you for
Slowly think they'll put you down
Knock knock, here we go again
Another journey, another plane
Expectations like that plane get higher
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