A few pics from the time I spent with the Great Train Robber

Ronnie Biggs

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Christiani and me at Ronnie's sixtieth birthday bash.


Ron and I had at least one thing in common.

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We both loved good food. I don't think Bob (Bongo) Starkie of the Australian rock band The Sky Hooks was too impressed though.


Ah. He's come to life for this shot.


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Left to right.
(Ronnie's nephew) Jack, Ronnie, Starkie and me.


A man. A dog.

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And two very happy sweet young ladies.


Yeh. Tell me you wouldn't have a stupid grin on your face if you were in this position.

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Did you ever see the film Midnight Express?

In real life the American junkie was a Swedish guy called Benke. That's him on the right.

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