Dave Keats songs are © copyright protected.

Doctor Alberto's Last Christian Crusade To Antarctica. Conversely, Other Continents Or Territories As Yet Uncharted

I like slow, I like fast.
I like light, I like dark.
I like the future, I like today.
I like sunshine, I like rain.
I like going, I like coming back.
I like white, I like black.
I like the East, I like the West.
I like the worst, I like the best.
I like my enemies, I like my friends.
I like straight highways, I like roads that have bends.
I like Bob Dylan, I like the Rolling Stones.
I like crowds, I like to be alone.

Doctor Alberto's last Christian crusade to Antarctica.
Conversely other continents or territories as yet uncharted.

I like you, I like me.
I like the number fifty-seven, I like three.
I like aeroplanes, I like cars.
I like the clean up tank, I like bars.
I like claustrophobia, I like things out of reach.
I like fur coats, I like nude ladies on the beach.
I like marijuana, I like anti-drug laws.
I like to see the ending, I like to cheer for more.
I like racial minorities, I like my own kind.
I like what's in front of me, I like what's behind.
I like all the views that I have ever seen,
I like everything that's ever been.

Doctor Alberto's last Christian crusade to Antarctica.
Conversely other continents or territories as yet uncharted.